DONNA NEVILLE · Praise Chapel - Huntington Park, CA
Pastor Donna Neville and her late husband, Michael Neville, founded Praise Chapel Christian Fellowship in California in 1976. It has since blossomed into a Family of Fellowships worldwide. In March 2006, Pastor Donna transitioned the church in Huntington Park to her son Pastor Jason Neville and daughter-in-law Jackie. With a rich history with God and the local church, Pastor Donna has so much to impart and share as the mother of our fellowship.
ELICTIA HART · Eagle's Nest Worship Center - Omaha, NE
Pastor Elictia Hart is known for her compassion, faithfulness, and Willingness to go the extra mile to share the love of Christ. She is a preacher, teacher and prayer warrior called to encourage the body of Christ. With a sincere heart for people and desire to see the perfect will of God done in people’s lives, she doesn’t take lightly the calling and assignment she has been given.

MICHELLE CALDERON · 27th St. Revival Center - Camden, NJ
As a child of God, understanding her calling, Psalmist Michelle Calderón’s heart pulsates for God, Family, Church and her City! She has always desired to share with the world the songs God has deposited in her heart. The songs which can heal, transform and free the captive. A profound song which derives from the depth of her being and is anointed by the Holy Spirit. God has blessed Michelle with the opportunity to record two albums “Serenata” and “Vivo Por Ti”.